Masha Danki York City Football Club Foundation! / Thank you York City Football Club Foundation!

Nos kier a expresa nos gratitud inmenso na York City Football Club Foundation pa nan aporte consistente y generosidad haciendo donacion di material di futbol pa asina sostene nos clubnan local di futbol! We would like to thank very much the York City football Club Foundation, who have generously and consistently donated football material to support the activities of our …

Welcome to our new volunteers

All the team at Tur Cos Ta Posibel is really pleased to welcome our new volunteers, Adrian, Hollie and Cristina! They are all here in Aruba, under the European Solidarity Corps of the European Union. We would like to thank the Netherlands Youth Institute (Nederlands Jeugdinstituut) and the European Commission for their support. Find out more about the European Solidarity …

Tur Cos Ta Posibel receives a European Solidarity Corps Quality label

Tur Cos Ta Posibel was thrilled to receive our quality label to host European Solidarity Corps Volunteers earlier this year. Click here for the official EU article We have three types of projects on offer ● Arts projects including Dance and Creative Arts ● Social Welfare including working in KIA (Aruba’s prison) and within a drugs rehabilitation/mental ill health provision …

Our first project with Erasmus+

Video of our traines running a sport session.: (if the video doesn’t appear, visit: Pictures of our traines running a sport session.: (if the pictures don’t appear, visit: Pictures of some more activities: (if the pictures don’t appear, visit: Pictures published after the certificate ceremony at the end of the project: (if the pictures don’t appear, visit: …